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Dua Lipa

London, England, United Kingdom

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Dua Lipa, born on August 22, 1995, is a renowned English singer, songwriter, and model who began her musical journey at the age of 14 by covering songs on YouTube. She signed with Warner Bros. Records in 2015 and quickly rose to prominence with her debut single. This page will display a detailed birth chart for Dua Lipa.


Planets represent different aspects of your personality, each influenced by their position in the zodiac.

Hey there, stargazer! 🌟 Astro here with a cosmic tip: Think of planets as the lead actors in your celestial story. They represent different parts of your personality, each one shining through the colorful lenses of the zodiac signs. It's like having a unique pair of cosmic glasses for each aspect of yourself!

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Planets In Depth

Planets represent different aspects of your personality, each influenced by their position in the zodiac.

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Aspects are the angles between planets, adding depth and complexity to your astrological profile.

🌟 Astro here with another cosmic tip: Think of planetary aspects as the dynamic angles between the stars in your cosmic play. Each angle creates a unique shape in the sky, adding a different layer of meaning to the storyline. These shapes are like the conversations the planets have with one another, each one bringing a special energy or message into your life!

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Aspects In Depth

Dive deeper into the aspects between planets and their influence on your astrological profile.

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Introduction to Astrology

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